historyloversclub Archive
A messenger dog with a spool attached to a harness for laying out new electric line in September of 1917.
Commuters on a New York subway train 1960s.
The Stridsvagn L-60 A WWII-Era Tank Of The Neutral Swedish Army
American soldiers on top of German railway gun The Dora. 1945.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first and only President to kill a cougar with a knife.
The First Allied Soldier Killed By Enemy Fire on D-Day Lieutenant Den Brotheridge At Pegasus Bridge
Surgeon Leonid Rogozov performs a self-appendectomy whilst stranded in a soviet base in Antarctica, 1961
The Biggest Nuclear Explosions Of Military History
During World War II, singer Kate Smith sold $ 600 million in defense bonds. Photo courtesy of the Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center
Neil Armstrong and David Scott in the Pacific ocean after Gemini 8’s 10 hour, 41 minute, 26 second 1966 space flight