historyloversclub Archive
Marines carrying the first flag up Iwo Jima.
The little kitten “crept out from beneath a wrecked” tank. The U.S. Marine soldier offered water to it. Tarawa, 1943
Combat operations at Ia Drang Valley Vietnam November 1965. Major Bruce P. Crandall’s UH-1D helicopter climbs skyward after discharging a load of infantrymen on a search and destroy mission.
Soldiers of the 26th Infantry Lloyd Spencer of Portland and James Bryson of Lynn during the Bulge in Wiltz, Luxembourg. 6 Jan 1945.
Chateau Wood, Ypres, 1917
Former emperor Wilhelm II of Germany with his son and grandson, both named Wilhelm, in 1927
Barbara Bush and Friends
Presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush
Vintage Wedding Dress by Jacques Fath 1953
Russian and American air men prepare for a joint forces bombing raid on Germany