Battle of the Bulge Photos


Francis Sherman “Frank” Currey (born in 1925) one of four living Medal of Honor recipients of the WW II. During the war he was a technical seargant and he earned his Medal of Honor for his action in Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge 1944. Citation: He was an automatic rifleman with the 3rd Platoon defending a strong point near Malmedy Belgium on 21 December 1944 when the enemy launched a powerful attack. Overrunning tank destroyers and antitank guns located near the strong point German tanks advanced to the 3rd Platoon’s position and after prolonged fighting forced the withdrawal of this group to a nearby factory. Sgt. Currey found a bazooka in the building and crossed the street to secure rockets meanwhile enduring intense fire from enemy tanks and hostile infantrymen who had taken up a position at a house a short distance away. In the face of small-arms machinegun and artillery fire he with a companion knocked out a tank with 1 shot.