Battle of the Bulge Photos


William Adolph Soderman (1912-1980) was a United States Army soldier and a recipient of the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of the Bulge on December 17 1944. Citation: “Armed with a bazooka he defended a key road junction near Rocherath Belgium on 17 December 1944 during the German Ardennes counteroffensive. After a heavy artillery barrage had wounded and forced the withdrawal of his assistant he heard enemy tanks approaching the position where he calmly waited in the gathering darkness of early evening until the 5 Mark V tanks which made up the hostile force were within pointblank range. He then stood up completely disregarding the firepower that could be brought to bear upon him and launched a rocket into the lead tank setting it afire and forcing its crew to abandon it as the other tanks pressed on before Pfc. Soderman could reload.