Architecture Archive
A little girl hands a posy of lilies to a police officer on duty at the Porte Saint-Denis in Paris, circa 1920
LS Lowry in Stockport. (c) I.P. at ‘Manchester Railways’
Old London, One of the earliest pictures taken in Piccadilly Circus 1860
The Acropolis of Athens is an ancient citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens and contains the remains of several ancient buildings of great architectural …
1950s Diner, Photo by Ralph Stewart
“How the other half lives.” Lower East Side, Manhattan, 1890
Amsterdam, Leidsestraat, 1968
Above Fifth Avenue, Looking North, 1905, Underwood & Underwood
Stadiou and Aiolou str.,1927. Back to Old Athens Photos
Kings Cross, London, 1931