Wartime Archive
World War 1 poster
WWII American Junior Red Cross poster by Walter Beach Humphrey, 1943.
Amazing Photos From The Battle of Britain When ‘The Few’ Were Supported by ‘The Many’
Sailors point to a shell-hole in the side of HMS CHESTER after the Battle of Jutland, 31 May 1916.
This is a pair of Dutch resistance crystal radios, built into a small metal can, and a matchbox. The image is from a postcard bought at a Dutch Resistance …
Sgt. Edward Hill captured five years ago at Dunkerque was freed when American Seventh Armored Division First Army captured Dulag-Luft POW Camp March 1945.
M. Lefebre Sergeant 2nd Regiment of Engineers 1815 French veteran of the Napoleanic Wars.
Apple Inc: Established in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
Female WWII Pilots
A British soldier in Caen after its liberation gives a helping hand to an old lady amongst the scene of utter devastation. The town had been substantially destroyed during …