Photos of heroic Medal of Honor recipients


Donald P. Sloat (1949-1970) was a US Army soldier and a posthumous recipient of the Medal of Honor in 2014 – for his actions in the Vietnam War taken on 17 January 1970. Citation: Specialist Four Donald P. Sloat distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a machine gunner with 3rd Platoon Company D 2nd Battalion 1st Infantry Regiment 196th Light Infantry Brigade Americal Division during combat operations against an armed enemy in the Republic of Vietnam Jan. 17 1970. D Company operated out of Fire Support Base Hawk Hill in an area of I Corps. They were located south and southwest of Danang providing security for local villages and conducting regular searches for NVA units. The territory they patrolled stretched from the coastal lowlands to the mountains and jungle. North Vietnamese and Viet Cong activity was common in the area and D Company suffered regular casualties from snipers and booby traps. On the morning of Jan.