Photos of heroic Medal of Honor recipients


Donald Gilbert Cook (1934-1967) was a USMC officer and a Medal of Honor recipient of the Vietnam War. His body was never recovered. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while interned as a Prisoner of War by the Viet Cong in the Republic of Vietnam during the period 31 December 1964 to 8 December 1967. Despite the fact that by so doing he would bring about harsher treatment for himself Colonel (then Captain) Cook established himself as the senior prisoner even though in actuality he was not. Repeatedly assuming more than his share of responsibility for their health Colonel Cook willingly and unselfishly put the interests of his comrades before that of his own well-being and eventually his life. Giving more needy men his medicine and drug allowance while constantly nursing them he risked infection from contagious diseases while in a rapidly deteriorating state of health.