Photos of heroic Medal of Honor recipients


John Robert Fox (1915-1944) posthumously received the Medal of Honor in 1997 for willingly sacrificing his life. Citation: For extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy in the vicinity of Sommocolonia Italy on December 26 1944 while serving as a member of Cannon Company 366th Infantry Regiment 92nd Infantry Division. During the preceding few weeks Lieutenant Fox served with the 598th Field Artillery Battalion as a forward observer. On Christmas night enemy soldiers gradually infiltrated the town of Sommocolonia in civilian clothes and by early morning the town was largely in hostile hands. Commencing with a heavy barrage of enemy artillery at 0400 hours on December 26 1944 an organized attack by uniformed German units began. Being greatly outnumbered most of the United States Infantry forces were forced to withdraw from the town but Lieutenant Fox and some other members of his observer party voluntarily remained on the second floor of a house to direct defensive artillery fire.