Rare pictures of Fidel Castro.

CUBA. 1959. Times of euphoia as Fidel CASTRO and his army tries to drive through the city of Ciefuego, on their way to liberate Havana. Contact email: New York : photography@magnumphotos.com Paris : magnum@magnumphotos.fr London : magnum@magnumphotos.co.uk Tokyo : tokyo@magnumphotos.co.jp Contact phones: New York : +1 212 929 6000 Paris: + 33 1 53 42 50 00 London: + 44 20 7490 1771 Tokyo: + 81 3 3219 0771 Image URL: http://www.magnumphotos.com/Archive/C.aspx?VP3=ViewBox_VPage&IID=2S5RYDI9AE4D&CT=Image&IT=ZoomImage01_VForm

Fidel Castro in Cienfuego, Cuba ’59 on way to liberate Havana.