Douglas Albert Munro (1919-1942) the only member of the United States Coast Guard to have received the Medal of Honor. Citation: “For extraordinary heroism and conspicuous gallantry in action above and beyond the call of duty as Officer-in-Charge of a group of Higgins boats engaged in the evacuation of a Battalion of Marines trapped by enemy Japanese forces at Point Cruz Guadalcanal on September 27 1942. After making preliminary plans for the evacuation of nearly 500 beleaguered Marines Munro under constant risk of his life daringly led five of his small craft toward the shore. As he closed the beach he signaled the others to land and then in order to draw the enemy’s fire and protect the heavily loaded boats he valiantly placed his craft with its two small guns as a shield between the beachhead and the Japanese. When the perilous task of evacuation was nearly completed Munro was killed by enemy fire but his crew two of whom were wounded carried on until the last boat had loaded and cleared the beach. By his
Recipients Of The Medal Of Honor In Pictures II
July 20, 2018
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