WWII Archive
Richard Nixon giving the Congressional Medal of Honor to Joe Hooper, the most decorated soldier of the Vietnam War.
Smuggling grenades in a hollowed-out log, from a British WWII spy manual, 1944
Battle of Britain Part of the Second World War An Observer Corps spotter scans the skies of London.
Battle-worn Old Glory from the Civil War circa 1864 soldier is from the 37th Pennsylvania Infantry.
The town of Gangi in Sicily, 1974
Italian gunners man their light field piece in a field of Tunisian cactus on March 31 1943.
An airgunner stands before his B-24 bomber wearing what it took to survive at 25,000ft altitude, 1944
Before the internet they used pigeons equipped with cameras instead of Google Earth. Early 1900s
The Real Band of Brother from the 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne, Easy Company
A joyful Austrian boy receives new shoes after WWII, 1946.