WWII Archive
Members of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) pose at Camp Shanks, New York, before leaving from New York Port of Embarkation on Feb. 2, 1945. The women are with …
Three 14 year-old German prisoners of war eating rations in front of a group of other POWs, 1945
Two Sailors celebrating the end of World War II
“Elderly Villager Amidst Ruins of His House”. An elderly resident of a village burned down by Germans sitting by the ruins of his house. Ukraine, Region Tschernigow. Even as …
Waffen SS of the SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Division take a breather on the side of the road as the invasion of Poland unfolds at lightning speed. A big fire …
German soldiers relax pre-war, 1939
‘Venus the Bulldog’ Mascot of the Royal Navy Destroyer HMS Vansittart (pictured in 1941)
German fighter pilots and a puppy poses for the camera on top of a ME-109 G6 outside Aalborg, Denmark in 1944
Female pilot with her aircraft Soviet Union – 1930s
A Japanese soldier looking at US propaganda in the Philippines, 1943